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FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
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ORDER BY p.sort_order ASC LIMIT 90,30
18 (0.178)
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FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 418 AND afv.`text_id` IN (1364,1365,1519) ) AND afv.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
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GROUP BY p.`product_id`
22 (8.404)
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WHERE p2c.`category_id` IN (62) AND p.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 350 AND afv.`text_id` IN (2123) ) AND p.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 418 AND afv.`text_id` IN (1364,1365,1519) ) AND p.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 419 AND afv.`text_id` IN (1366,1564) ) AND p.`status` = 1 GROUP BY p.`manufacturer_id`
23 (217.308)
SELECT CONCAT(afv.`attribute_id`, '_', afv.`text_id`) AS attr_text, COUNT(afv.`text_id`) AS total
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WHERE p2c.`category_id` IN (62) AND afv.`attribute_id` IN (310,311,340,341,342,343,344,346,347,348,351,352,353,355,358,359,362,363,364,365,366,367,368,371,372,373,375,376,378,379,381,382,398,399,400,401,402,403,404,406,407,411,412,413,414,416,417,420,421,423,425,428,431,432,435,436,437,438,439,443) AND afv.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 350 AND afv.`text_id` IN (2123) ) AND afv.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 418 AND afv.`text_id` IN (1364,1365,1519) ) AND afv.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 419 AND afv.`text_id` IN (1366,1564) ) AND p.`status` = 1 GROUP BY `attr_text`
24 (13.285)
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WHERE p2c.`category_id` IN (62) AND afv.`attribute_id` IN (350) AND afv.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 418 AND afv.`text_id` IN (1364,1365,1519) ) AND afv.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 419 AND afv.`text_id` IN (1366,1564) ) AND p.`status` = 1 GROUP BY `attr_text`
25 (11.362)
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WHERE p2c.`category_id` IN (62) AND afv.`attribute_id` IN (418) AND afv.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 350 AND afv.`text_id` IN (2123) ) AND afv.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 419 AND afv.`text_id` IN (1366,1564) ) AND p.`status` = 1 GROUP BY `attr_text`
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WHERE p2c.`category_id` IN (62) AND afv.`attribute_id` IN (419) AND afv.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 350 AND afv.`text_id` IN (2123) ) AND afv.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 418 AND afv.`text_id` IN (1364,1365,1519) ) AND p.`status` = 1 GROUP BY `attr_text`
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LEFT JOIN `oc_attribute_text_product` afv ON (p.`product_id` = afv.`product_id`)
WHERE p2c.`category_id` IN (62) AND p.`status` = 1 AND afv.`attribute_id` = 350 AND afv.`text_id` IN (2123) AND p.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
WHERE afv.`attribute_id` = 418 AND afv.`text_id` IN (1364,1365,1519) ) AND p.`product_id` IN (SELECT afv.`product_id`
FROM `oc_attribute_text_product` afv
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33 (0.208)
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34 (0.245)
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35 (0.173)
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38 (1.951)
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41 (0.204)
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43 (0.525)
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44 (0.512)
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45 (0.578)
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46 (0.500)
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LEFT JOIN oc_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
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47 (0.479)
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48 (0.342)
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55 (0.202)
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56 (0.267)
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57 (0.200)
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58 (0.210)
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